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Due giorni fa a Lucca si è chiuso il Battle Born Tour per l’Italia. È stata una serata calda, meteorologicamente parlando ma anche per il pubblico, in fin dei conti “We always have fun playing and there’s just something about playing in Italy..I guess it would be the people.”

La setlist del concerto:
Somebody Told Me
The Way It Was
Smile Like You Mean It
Miss Atomic Bomb
Flesh And Bone
For Reasons Unknown
From Here On Out
A Dustland Fairytale
Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu) (Dean Martin, parte)
Read My Mind
All These Things That I’ve Done

Jenny Was a Friend of Mine
When You Were Young
Mr Brightside

E vi lasciamo la foto di fine concerto con la band e la bandiera italiana con scritto “Italy loves The Killers”.

Manuela Mercurio
Foto—Manuela Mercurio

Grazie per questi tre concerti e siamo sicuri che they enjoyed their stay, even if it was just for three days!

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